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Women in the Church Bundle

A collection of classic and modern works dealing with the Women of the Bible, and issues surrounding the role of Women in the Church.

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This is a special collection of reference works and resources on Women in the Church—both the biblical passages and stories dealing with the Women of the Bible, and the more difficult religious and cultural question of the role of women in the Church. The latter question is dealt with in the Biblesoft Study Series Women in the Church: A Study of the Evidence from the Scriptures. This original critical and exegetical study series takes an in-depth (and objective, unbiased) view of the question, examining all of the key passages from the New Testament, along with a detailed survey of the evidence from the Old Testament and the early Church. Other works in this collection are:

  • Women in Christian History—select issues on the subject taken from the Christian History Magazine archives.
  • Dictionary of Women in the Bible and the Early Church—an original compilation of articles from classic Bible & Christian Dictionaries
  • Historical and Descriptive Sketches of the Women of the Bible, by P. C. Headley
  • The Women in the Word, by Mary E. Baxter
  • Women of Early Christianity, by Alfred Brittain et al
  • Works of Teresa of Avila and Other Women of the Middle Ages, an original Biblesoft compilation of works in translation
  • The Role of Women in the Church, by Charles Ryrie—another take on the same subject dealt with in the Biblesoft Study Series (above)

And, in addition, we include a set of BONUS images on Women in the Bible and the Church, in partnership with the GoodSalt Image library. You can purchase beautiful, high-resolution versions of these and many more images direct from GoodSalt.

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Women in the Church Bundle

Women in the Church Bundle

A collection of classic and modern works dealing with the Women of the Bible, and issues surrounding the role of Women in the Church.

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