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John Nelson Darby is heralded by many as the "father of dispensationalism". Darby saw history as a "progressive revelation," and his system sought to explain the stages in God's redemptive plan for the universe. There was nothing especially radical about dividing history into periods. What separated Darby's dispensationalism was his novel method...
John Nelson Darby is heralded by many as the "father of dispensationalism". Darby saw history as a "progressive revelation," and his system sought to explain the stages in God's redemptive plan for the universe. There was nothing especially radical about dividing history into periods. What separated Darby's dispensationalism was his novel method of biblical interpretation, which consisted of a strict literalism, the absolute separation of Israel and the church into two distinct peoples of God, and the separation of the rapture (the "catching away" of the church) from Christ's Second Coming. At the rapture, he said, Christ will come for his saints; and at the Second Coming, he will come with his saints. "John Nelson Darby Father of Dispensationalism." Christian History & Biography 8 Aug. 2008: 1-2.
The Collected Writings of John Nelson Darby (52 vols.) brings together the incredible output of writings of the man sometimes called "the father of Dispensationalism". BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
Darby's English translation of the Bible, first published in 1890. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
Three volumes of writings on Apologetics and Biblical Criticism by John Nelson Darby. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
9-Volumes of Theological and Doctrinal writings by John Nelson Darby. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
4 volumes of writings on the Church by John Nelson Darby. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
4 volumes of Evangelical and other practical writings by John Nelson Darby. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
Seven volumes of expository works (commentary) by John Nelson Darby. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
4 volumes of writings on Eschatology and Biblical Prophecy by John Nelson Darby, the "father of Dispensationalism". BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
Darby's famous 5-volume Synopsis of the Bible—a survey of the books of the Bible which remains widely read today. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
An extensive and essential collection of writings of the Dispensationalism movement from the past 150 years—from the pioneering works of John Nelson Darby to leading scholars and theologians of the Dallas Theological Seminary (Chafer, Ryrie, Walvoord, etc). PRODUCT AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ONLY Requires Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)
A powerful new resource for studying the "End Times" and Second Coming of Jesus, this library features dozens of reference works, classic and modern, to inform and equip students and ministers today—more than 50 volumes in print. Select your Download Version on the right; PC and MAC Version available PRODUCT AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD ONLY...
A synopsis of the New Testament from a religious leader and Bible translator of note. BIBLESOFT DOES NOT SELL EBOOKS Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)