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28-Volumes by popular author and ministery F. B. Meyer, including extensive titles from his Biographical Series, several devotional Commentaries (including the daily devotional Our Daily Walk), the widely read Through the Bible Commentary, and other works.
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These works by F. B. Meyer bring fresh light to a variety of topics and in a number of ways. This collection includes a commentary, a devotional, numerous scriptural biographies and expositions of a number of books/passages.
One of the greatly loved preachers of his day, Frederick Brotherton Meyer was a pastor, author, Bible teacher and evangelist. A distinct feature of Meyer's ministry was his outcry against the social evils of his day. Not only was he effective in the temperance movement, but he was also responsible for the closing of over 500 houses of prostitution. He also formed a prison aid society. A devoted student of God's Word, he was the author of over 40 books, including Bible biographies, devotional commentaries, sermon volumes and expository works. He also authored several pamphlets and edited a number of magazines. Charles H. Spurgeon said of him, Meyer preaches as a man who has seen God face to face.
A daily devotional. Includes a PCSB Desktop Devotional. WE CAN all start afresh! However far we have ascended, there is something higher; and however far we have fallen, it is always possible to make a fresh start. We need to take our place in the School of Christ and be taught by Him (Eph 4:20-21).
A scriptural biography of Peter. PETER COMES nearer to us than any of his brother Apostles. We revere James, the brother of our Lord, for his austere saintliness. We strain our eyes in the effort to follow John to the serene heights, whither his eagle-wing bore him. But Peter is so human, so like ourselves in his downsittings and uprisings, so compassed with infirmity, that we are encouraged to hope that perhaps the Great Potter may be able to make something even of our common clay.
A short collection of sermon messages. MANY CHILDREN of GOD are so deeply exercised on the matter of guidance that it may be helpful to give a few suggestions as to knowing the way in which our Father would have us walk, and the work He would have us do. The importance of the subject cannot be exaggerated; so much of our power and peace consists in knowing where God would have us be, and in being just there.
A commentary on Psalm 23. This psalm has sometimes been called the Psalm of the Crook. It lies between the Psalm of the Cross and the Psalm of the Crown. If the Twentysecond tells of the Good Shepherd, who died, and if the Twenty-fourth tells of the Chief Shepherd, who is coming again, the Twenty-third tells of the Great Shepherd, who keeps His flock with unerring sagacity and untiring devotion. No hireling is He. He asks no wage; He takes no reward. He counts not the cost. The sheep are His own. And in these sweet words we learn what He is towards them to-day, in all His shepherd tenderness and love.
A devotional expository commentary of 1 Peter. THESE Expositions do not attempt to be critical or exhaustive; but the aim has been to deduce such spiritual exhortations and consolations from the glowing words of the Apostle as will most readily help Christian people in the varied circumstances of daily life.
A devotional expository commentary of Hebrews. "GOD." What word could more fittingly stand at the head of the first line of the first paragraph in this noble epistle! Each structure must rest on him as foundation; each tree must spring from him as root; each design and enterprise must originate in him as source. "IN THE BEGINNING-GOD," is a worthy motto to inscribe at the commencement of every treatise, be it the ponderous volume or the ephemeral tract. And with that name we commence our attempt to gather up some of the glowing lessons which were first addressed to the persecuted and wavering Hebrews in the primitive age, but have ever been most highly prized by believing Gentiles throughout the universal Church.
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Through the Bible CommentaryThis commentary is a survey/synopsis-style commentary of the Old and New Testament. Genesis is the first of the five books of Moses, known as the Pentateuch and also called “the Law.” See Luke 24:44; Matt 22:40; John 10:34. The unanimous testimony of the New Testament is to ascribe the authorship to Moses. See Matt 19:8; Mark 12:26; Luke 16:31; John 5:46. But he doubtless incorporated sacred traditions handed down from the patriarchs, and there are traces of an editor’s hand-probably Ezra’s. |
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Israel: A Prince with GodA scriptural biography on the father of the Jewish race. If we can understand the life of Jacob we can understand the history of his people. The extremes which startle us in them are all in him. Like them he is the most successful schemer of his times and like them he has that deep spirituality that far seeing faith which are the grandest of all qualities and make a man capable of the highest culture that a human spirit can receive. Like them he spends the greatest part of his life in exile and amid trying conditions of toil and sorrow and like them he is inalienably attached to that dear land his only hold on which was by the promise of God and the graves of the heroic dead. |
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Moses, the Servant of GodA scriptural biography on this servant of God. He fed daily on the promises of God pleading them in prayer and leaning his whole weight upon them. And he often knew what it was to leave behind him the familiar and tried for the strange and new at the bidding of God, he stepped out though there seemed nothing to tread upon launching himself and three millions of people absolutely on the care of God assured that God's faithfulness could not fail. His faith made Moses all he was. |
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Joshua and the Land of PromiseA scriptural biography on Joshua and the Promised Land. Are you still in the wilderness or have you entered the Land of Promise? ...Test yourself by the promises made to Israel which are types and shadows of eternal realities and if they do not foreshadow facts in your spiritual experience understand that you frustrate the purpose of God in your redemption. Leave those things which are behind to reach forth to the goodly land beyond the Jordan apprehending that for which you were apprehended of Christ Jesus. |
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Samuel the ProphetA scriptural biography of Samuel. It was necessary, therefore, to introduce a new order of things. To assert and achieve the national unity; to make the best aspects of the rule of the judges permanent in the office of kingship; to resuscitate and maintain the allegiance of Israel to the God of their fathers; to carry over the whole nation from the time of the last judge to that of the first king was a task that demanded a preeminently strong man; and the want was superbly supplied, as we shall see, by the prophet Samuel, who conducted his people from one age to another, without a revolution, and almost without the excitement, which naturally accompanies so great a change. |
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Paul: A Servant of Jesus ChristA scriptural biography of Paul. Paul is very emphatic in his acknowledgments of prenatal grace. He loves to trace back all the good that was in his heart and life to a Love that was set on him before the mountains were brought forth, or ever God had formed the earth and the world. In the silence of eternity God's delights had already been with him as a son of man. |
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Back to BethelJacob, fleeing from his father's house to avoid the anger of Esau, came to Bethel on the first night of his absence from home. You must think of him as a pilgrim exile, with his staff in hand, no escort, nothing of household gear, coming upon that moorland, making what bed he could upon the heather, and lying down to sleep, with the stars above him and the wild wind beating across the waste. His last vision was of those stones that lay strewn around him; and as he slept these were piled one upon the other until from his couch there arose the ladder up and down which the angels trooped, coming down to him in blessing and going up to GOD in prayer. There he heard the voice of GOD, and as the morning broke and the vision faded and the sunshine lighted up the world, he vowed that from that moment GOD should be his GOD and he His faithful servant. |
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Expository PreachingNo other style of preaching can so completely guarantee immunity from an indulgence in special crochets and fads. The Bible is an exceedingly broad book in its treatment of life and, he who (successfully preaches through, even one small section of it, will find a variety of subjects and principles and lessons so great a variety that if he is fair with all he will be saved from the error of over-emphasis and of neglecting certain broad tracts of truth. |
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Creed of CreedsIt has always captivated the Christian Imagination and Heart, because of its simplicity, its brevity, its freedom from elaborate theological phraseology; and probably a larger number of Christian people, of all churches and sects, could unite in reciting it, than any other statement of Christianity in existence. For this reason I venture to term it the CREED OF CREEDS. |
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Devotional Commentary on PhilippiansIn this Devotional Commentary on the Epistle to the Philippians, I have not attempted anything of the merely critical or exegetical; but have endeavoured honestly to ascertain the meaning of the Apostle, and to beat out his pure and unalloyed gold. |
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Abraham: The Obedience of FaithA scriptural biography of Abraham. In the gray dawn of history the first great character that arrests our attention at any length is that of Abraham; who would command our notice for this, if for nothing else, that he is spoken of as the "Friend of God." Surely it must be well worthy of our devout consideration to study the inner life, and outward carriage, of such a man: that we too, in our smaller measure, may become—not servants only, but—"friends"; the favored confidantes of God—from whom He will not hide His secrets, to whom He will make known His will. |
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The Blessed LifePractical messages on the Christian Life. The BLESSED LIFE should be the normal life of every Christian—in work and rest, in the building up of the inner life, and in the working out of the life-plan. It is God's thought not for a few, but for all His children. The youngest and weakest may lay claim to it equally with the strongest and oldest. We should step into it at the moment of conversion without wandering with blistered feet for forty years in the desert, or lying for thirty-eight years, with disappointed hopes, in the porch of the House of Mercy. |
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Cheer for Life's PilgrimageA short collection of sermons. Earth is but a camping-ground, on which we halt for a little on our journey forward into the great eternity which awaits us. Other generations have been here before us, and have gone, we know not whither; but they are marching on-ward and forward somewhere, and we must follow them, as others us. Indeed, our world has been compared to the site of a Gipsy encampment, where the grey ash, broken pottery, and fluttering rags tell of previous caravans that made it their halting-place for a few nights, and then yoked in the lank steeds and went on to other camping-grounds. The merry-go-rounds will stop, the oil lamps cease to flare, the fair will be done, and we shall be away with the daybreak. |
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David: Shepherd, Psalmist, KingA scriptural biography of David. THE character and life of DAVID are supremely fascinating, not only to holy souls, whose deepest thoughts have been expressed in his unrivalled Psalms, but to all men: because of their humanness; their variety; their sharply contrasted experiences; their exhibition of traits of generosity and courage which always elicit admiration. |
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Devotional Commentary on EphesiansA theological commentary organized by topical key words and phrases. The Epistle to the Ephesians is pre-eminently the Epistle of the Inner Life. It is not astonishing, therefore, to find that its characteristic key-words are also the key-words of the Inner Life. And in proportion as we weave them into the texture of our life, we shall become possessed of the tenderness and strength, the depth of knowledge and height of communion, which have endeared this Epistle to all ages of the church. |
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Elijah, and the Secret of His PowerA scriptural biography of Elijah. God is never at a loss. The land may be overrun with sin, the lamps of witness may seem all extinguished, the whole force of the popular current may run counter to His truth, and the plot may threaten to be within a hair's breadth of entire success, but all the time He will be preparing a weak man in some obscure highland village, and in the moment of greatest need will send him forth, as His all-sufficient answer to the worst plottings of His foes. "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him" (Isa 59:19). So it has been, and so it shall be again. |
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The Exalted ChristA collection of sermons. The one effort of the early Church was to show that the life and the work of Jesus Christ were the Rosetta stone which opened the hieroglyphics of the Old Testament Scripture. It has been said that there are some 333 predictions and references alluded to in the New Testament from the Old. The Old threads the New, as the warp the woof. Our Lord Jesus Christ, on His resurrection, Luke 24:27, set Himself to show this connection. "And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself." |
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A Good StartPractical messages on everyday life. THE chapters in this little book might be called "Work-a-day Sermons." They are intended to bring the highest principles of our holy religion to bear on the practical business of every-day life. |
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Jeremiah: Priest and ProphetA scriptural biography of Jeremiah. Jeremiah has always a fascination to Christian hearts, because of the close similarity that exists between his life and that of Jesus Christ. Each of them was "a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief"; each came to his own, and his own received him not; each passed through hours of rejection, desolation, and forsakenness. And in Jeremiah we may see, beaten out into detail, experiences which, in our Lord, are but lightly touched on by the evangelists. |
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Joseph: Beloved, Hated, ExaltedA scriptural biography of Joseph. There are scenes in the life of Joseph which probably foreshadow events that are timed to happen in the near future, and which depict them with a vividness and minuteness not to be found elsewhere on the page of Scripture. It is here only that we can fully realize what will take place when the Lord Jesus makes Himself known to his brethren according to the flesh, and they exclaim, "It is Jesus our brother!" |
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John the BaptistA scriptural biography of John the Baptist. The life and character of John the Baptist have always had a great fascination for me; and I am thankful to have been permitted to write this book. But I am more thankful for the hours of absorbing interest spent in the study of his portraiture as given in the Gospels. I know of nothing that makes so pleasant a respite from the pressure of life's fret and strain, as to bathe mind and spirit in the translucent waters of Scripture biography. |
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Love to the Uttermost: Expositions of John 13-21A devotional expository commentary of John 13-21. In the court of the Temple there were two objects that arrested the eye of the entering worshipper—the Brazen Altar, and the Laver. The latter was kept always full of pure, fresh water, for the constant washings enjoined by the Levitical code. Before the priests were consecrated for their holy work, and attired in the robes of the sacred office, they washed there (Ex 29:4). Before they entered the Holy Place in their ordinary ministry, and before Aaron, on the great Day of Atonement, proceeded to the Most Holy Place, with blood, not his own, it was needful to conform to the prescribed ablutions. |
NOTE: Many of these titles are included in the OneTouch Library Series, as well as in other products and collections (check product pages and listings for details).
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