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The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG), 3rd ed.

The Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament

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Exclusive Bonus Content: Purchase BDAG for PC Study Bible, and receive the Greek Apostolic Fathers and Old Testament Pseudepigraphica – a $189 print value – Free!

Experts agree, The Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament – Third Edition (BDAG) is the most comprehensive and highly revered lexicon for studying New Testament Greek. Whether you're a scholar, teacher or want to start with a strong Greek foundation, this is undoubtedly the lexicon you want in your PC Study Bible Version 5 Library. BDAG's New Testament Greek mastery is abundantly clear by its domination of citations in academic papers and inclusion in virtually every graduate-level Greek class.

BDAG's distinctive Third Edition features are:

  • Widely recognized as the most comprehensive and authoritative lexicon devoted to the study of New Testament Greek and other classical Greek literature
  • Extended definitions for Greek terms
  • Extensive cross-referencing in PC Study Bible making it easy to fully utilize this scholar-level study tool
  • Fully interactive with all manuscript and other academic abbreviations, instantly accessible by pop-up definitions
  • More than 25,000 additional references to classical, intertestamental, Early Christian, and modern literature to add incredible depth to any word study.
  • Best value with the addition of The Greek Apostolic Fathers and Old Testament Pseudepigrapha to your collection of PC Study Bible original texts at no additional cost

“A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature is one of the core volumes that belong on every desk, and should be consulted frequentlyin the study of the New Testament.”
Edgar Krentz, Currents in Theology and Mission

Studying with BDAG
You will find power of BDAG truly amazing when you add it to your PC Study Bible library. For example, if you are studying the passage in Matthew 7:29, you may observe the way in which the multitudes marveled at Jesus' teaching because, “he taught them as one having authority, and not as scribes.” What does that word authority mean in this passage? In what ways did people at this time understand and use the Greek word for “authority”? Where is this word used elsewhere in the Bible, and does it have other possible translations? BDAG answers these questions by bringing to light the marvelous nuances of the Greek word for authority (exousia). It helps you to accurately understand the Bible text whether you read Greek expertly or not. To see the BDAG excerpt for exousia; click the “excerpt icon” above.

For those knowledgeable in Greek, open BDAG directly to the Greek word exousia from the Greek/Hebrew icon on your main tool bar. For those not fluent in Greek, simply use your Quicklinks shortcut to open your Interlinear and double click the number 1849 under the word “authority”. This will open your lexicons to the article on exousia; select BDAG and discover how this word is used throughout the New Testament for power, capability, ruling authority and much more. Then, click on the “e” on your lower tool bar for Englishman's Concordance, to effortlessly create a list of all 102 instances in the New Testament where this Greek word is used, regardless of how it's translated.

We're confident that BDAG will quickly become one of your favorite tools for mining the Greek of the background and detail that is sure to add incredible life and depth to your study and teaching.

When you purchase the BDAG, you receive all of the publication's content, extensively cross-linked to all other applicable reference content in your PC Study Bible library.

As a Free Bonus, you will receive two additional reference works; The Greek Apostolic Fathers and
Old Testament Pseudepigraphic Works – a $189 value – absolutely free!

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The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG), 3rd ed.

The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (BDAG), 3rd ed.

The Bauer, Danker, Arndt, and Gingrich Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament

Note: This product does not qualify for discounts.


Requires Program PCSB Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)

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