Conversion: The Great Change, by Charles Spurgeon View larger
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Conversion: The Great Change, by Charles Spurgeon


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Spurgeon, Conversion: The Great Change and Experiences after Conversion

Can you not remember, dearly-beloved, that day of days, that best and brightest of hours, when first you saw the Lord, lost your burden, received the roll of promise, rejoiced in full salvation, and went on your way in peace? My soul can never forget that day. Dying, all but dead, diseased, pained, chained, scourged, bound in fetters of iron, in darkness and the shadow of death, Jesus appeared unto me. My eyes looked to Him; the disease was healed, the pains removed, chains were snapped, prison doors were opened, darkness gave place to light. What delight filled my soul!—what mirth, what ecstasy, what sound of music and dancing, what soaring’s towards Heaven, what heights and depths of ineffable delight! Scarcely ever since then have I known joys which surpassed the rapture of that first hour.—C. H. S.

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 Conversion: The Great Change, by Charles Spurgeon

Conversion: The Great Change, by Charles Spurgeon


Requires Version 5 or OneTouch (find out more)

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